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Chanel24p woolen beaded piece As4416 is a stunning Parisian feminine style black and white handbag with a large glowing colored woolen fabric paired w

Chanel24p woolen beaded piece As4416 is a stunning Parisian feminine style black and white handbag with a large glowing colored woolen fabric paired with sequins, exuding a confident and cautious atmosphere. Come and take a look, size19X13X7cm - professional luxury fashion brand agency business(If you have wholesale or retail intentions, please contact online customer service, there will be unexpected surprises.) No._dpXTJ7LU1e8jx4Fey0byD4Nr0bbzuu9rR8gtLsA-_dbSTJ6qzkcV-S4yoCxbhYi67_uzX6vwnOZCzAOQ-06-100630C-1717983871137

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